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Castano, SebastianReaders/Advisors
Raman, NanditaTerm and Year
Spring 2019Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
Who, what and where is home? Am I home? These questions were the starting point of this project. Due to my constant traveling between two places, my perception of home started to disappear. And yet I know that I want to find an answer to the question, " what is home?" What exactly do I mean, and do I hope to ascertain? I want to question the definition of home in a physical and emotional condition. In searching for this answer, I suspect I may learn I am my home and if I am not comfortable with myself, I will not be comfortable anywhere, but I could prove myself wrong. Why would I want to prove something about the connection we have with a place? The subject matters to me on a personal level because as an individual who left home, growing up as an adult became more of a self-reflection. But I think it also has significance to other individuals because of how coming of age means appreciating your family more and cherishing moments spent together.Accessibility Statement
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