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HUNEKE, MacKenzieReaders/Advisors
Cooper, SaraTerm and Year
Spring 2019Date Published
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Within the walls of a massive, vibrant building on a city street is Ruby Tint. Rue for short. This building, Tint's Tints is a paint company owned and operated by her father, a radically sweet artist, Percy Tint. She works in The Colorverse, the area where a group of creatives is put on the quirky quest of naming the colors that are conceived at Tint's Tints. Ruby, however, often finds herself lost in her own head, dreaming of vibrant playscapes where the sand is Flamingo Pink and the water is Harlequin Green- filling these places with characters of her own, but always finding herself with writers block, not convinced that her voice is one that deserves to be heard. When Otis, a young and outrageously talented painter is hired to work in The Colorverse, he takes Ruby in and offers her a new perspective on life, filled with magic, friendship and the brightest of colors.Accessibility Statement
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