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Ferrer, JohannaKeyword
Research Subject Categories::INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH AREAS::Human communicationCommunication disorders
Deaf community
Date Published
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Deafness has been a topic fairly unspoken of. The Deaf community and culture, like any other culture has unwritten and written bylaws. After personally experiencing deafness overseas, it sparked an interest to explore the Deaf culture around the globe. Looking at countries around the world from North America to South America, Central America, moving to the Caribbean, Europe, Asia, and lastly Africa, there were different things that were worth taking a deeper look at. In the course of researching, I found that deaf people throughout the world have many similarities: they are marginalized, underrepresented, and there is a common lack of resources that can help individuals who are deaf. Moving through regions, one will explore how deafness is viewed around the world, and what can be done as individuals to change the perception of deafness. The Deaf community varies from nation to nation based on the resources that are available to them. The accessibility to these resources affects education, exposure, and the awareness within the various Deaf communities.Accessibility Statement
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