The Impact of Government Reform on Police Brutality in Westchester County
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Naber, GabriellaReaders/Advisors
Baird, KarenTerm and Year
Spring 2019Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
Police brutality and government reform have been among the largest debates in the United States. It has a long, complex history that has not only targeted people of color but those who have a different sexual orientation or religion. Not only has it been an issue for every level of government but it has also affected many families and friends of those who lost their lives, were harrassed, or severely injured. This research investigates the history of excessive use of force, laws, current statistics, scholarly studies, and cases within Westchester County. It also includes interviews with three elected government officials. In this thesis, what policies are already in place and what is to come for the future of government reform on police brutality is also discussed. This is a quantitative and qualitative study that should interest anyone concerned with lawmaking, scholars, or those passionate about this topic.Accessibility Statement
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