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Castillo, NymarieReaders/Advisors
Kouguell, SusanTerm and Year
Spring 2019Date Published
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In this platonic love story 21-year old college student, Mary, is a modern day feminist and although she wants to believe that she can be happy and fulfilled in suburban New York by focusing on her future career and her friends, she can't fight her pure desire for a fairytale romance...or for any romance at all. At a party Mary meets Joseph, a seemingly fun and light-hearted dork. They hit it off and for a moment Mary believes she has found the romance she's been looking for until Joseph informs her that he's ‘just tryna smash". Months later, Joseph ends up working at Chris P. Nuggets with Mary, and it's here that they realize they're at an all-time low in their lives. In most TV shows and movies the portrayal of life in your early twenties is all about goofing around with friends, partying all of the time, hooking up and falling in love...a lot, it's not dressing up as a chicken and getting yelled at by children. But Mary and Joseph are determined to change that by forming a pact. Mary agrees to help Joseph find someone to lose his virginity to if he assists her in a quest to find true love. Mary gives Joseph advice on how girls just want someone who is honest and real. Meanwhile, Joseph tells Mary that she's never going to get anywhere with guys if she keeps ‘acting like a twelve-year old' and if she never learns to cope with her social anxiety. Joseph and Mary grow close through their exploration of Tinder, following Mary's crush to the Jersey Shore, trying to break up a couple, NYC nightlife, exposure therapy, and a Battle of the Bands. What they don't realize is that by delving into the world of romance they're not only making their lives more fun but also a lot more complicated. People thought romance was tragic in Shakespearean times, try navigating modern hook up culture.Accessibility Statement
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