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Johnson, TaylorReaders/Advisors
Okasi, MehdiTerm and Year
Spring 2019Date Published
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Green Eyes is a unique take on the question of nature or nurture. Robert Powell is a man who has done unspeakable things to four women, in the name of purity. He believes that they are unclean due to their infidelity against their individual partners. Robert works to makes them better, guided by the teachings of his father about the roles of men and women. Among the women he "fixes" are, his first love, his sister, his best friend's girlfriend and his most recent victim, his wife. Robert's mother is the model for the behavior he is swayed against, as she is constantly being accused by the father of cheating and sneaking around. Robert's relationships with his mother and father are explored and the influence they had into shaping him into the man he becomes. This look into the upbringing and home life of a sadistic man will help determine if he was born with this affliction and sentenced to a life of deviant behavior, or if he is just a product of the home he was born into.Accessibility Statement
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