Downstate School of Public Health Theses and Dissertations
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Anti-Retroviral Therapy Adherence Among People Who Inject Drugs and Their Partners in KazakhstanBackground: This dissertation addresses the critical public health issue of antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence among people with HIV (PWH) who inject drugs (PWID) in Kazakhstan, a country experiencing one of the world's fastest-growing HIV epidemics. The research examines factors influencing ART adherence among PWID, with a particular focus on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The central research questions explored are: "What multi-level factors are associated with ART adherence among PWID with HIV in serococordant and serodiscordant relationships?” and "What factors are associated with ART adherence among HIV-positive PWID during the COVID-19 pandemic?” Methods: This study investigated HIV medication adherence among people who inject drugs (PWID) using two complementary methodological approaches. First, qualitative analysis used in-depth interviews with 20 PWID living with HIV and 18 of their intimate partners, analyzing the dyadic data to understand relationship dynamics and shared experiences around medication adherence. Building on these qualitative insights, we then conducted a secondary-data analysis on a cross-sectional survey from October 2020 to August 2022 with 66 HIV-positive PWID and their treatment support partners (n=66). The survey data were analyzed using multilevel generalized linear mixed models with Bayesian estimation to examine factors associated with ≥90% and ≥80% adherence levels. The qualitative findings informed our selection of variables for the quantitative analysis and provided contextual depth to interpret the statistical results. Results: Qualitative results revealed multilevel barriers and facilitators of ART adherence at individual (e.g., substance use), interpersonal (e.g., social support), and structural levels (e.g., stigma, transportation). The manifestation of social support varied between seroconcordant and serodiscordant dyads. Quantitative findings showed low overall ART adherence, with 55.8% of participants achieving ≥80% adherence and only 14.7% reaching the ≥90% threshold. Key factors associated with higher adherence included: having a partner with HIV (AOR=14.94, 95% CI=1.51-420.77) for ≥90% adherence; lower conflict at home during the COVID-19 pandemic (AOR=22.77, 95% CI=1.62-841.84) for ≥90% adherence; and meeting with a professional to discuss alcohol or drug use (AOR=6.78, 95% CI=1.25-117.61) for ≥80% adherence. Factors associated with lower adherence included: poorer mental health (AOR=0.09, 95% CI=0.005, 0.76) for ≥80% adherence and experiencing negative emotional impacts of COVID-19 (AOR=0.18, 95% CI=0.002, 0.98) for ≥80% adherence. Conclusion: This dissertation concludes that relationship factors, social support, partner HIV status, mental health, and the personal impact of public health crises significantly influence ART adherence among PWID. These findings have important implications for public health policy and clinical practice in addressing the HIV epidemic in Kazakhstan and similar contexts, particularly during periods of mass disruption like the COVID-19 pandemic. Future research and interventions may benefit from integrating dyad approaches into ART adherence strategies, considering partner HIV status, prioritizing mental health support, and addressing the personal and household impacts of crises. Such comprehensive approaches could potentially improve health outcomes for PWH and reduce HIV transmission risk among PWID populations.
Disparities in Knowledge and Awareness of Human Papillomavirus and Human Papillomavirus-Related Cancers Among Sexual Minorities in the United States, 2017-2020Introduction: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a prevalent STI linked to penile, anal, oral, and cervical cancers. It is a vaccine-preventable infection, but vaccination uptake rates remain low Sexual minorities (LGBTQ+) are less likely to be screened and have a higher risk of contracting HPV and HPV-related cancers; however, they are often overlooked in interventions and research. Knowledge and awareness of HPV and its vaccines can reduce and prevent HPV-related cancers. Methods: A retrospective analysis of HINTS-5 (2017-2020) data assessed the knowledge and awareness of HPV and HPV vaccination among sexual minorities. Poisson regression models estimated the incidence rate ratio (IRR) of HPV awareness, HPV vaccine awareness, and knowledge of HPV- related cancers. Weighted analysis was performed. Results: Awareness of HPV and the HPV vaccine has generally increased over the years, although there was a slight decline in 2020. Men (aIRR=1.15, p<0.001), individuals with less than a high school education (aIRR=1.24, p<0.001), Midwest residents (aIRR=1.06, p=0.002), and those without regular healthcare providers (aIRR=1.05, p=0.005) were more likely to be aware of HPV. Non- Hispanic Blacks (aIRR=1.04, p=0.007) and those with lower education levels (aIRR=1.10, p<0.001) were more knowledgeable about HPV-related oral cancer, while men (aIRR=1.10, p<0.001), Non-Hispanic Blacks (aIRR=1.07, p=0.008), low-income individuals (aIRR=1.09, p=0.001), and those with lower education levels (aIRR=1.25, p<0.001) were more likely to be knowledgeable about HPV-related cervical cancer. Lower rates of HPV awareness were observed among adults aged 18-34 years old, p<0.001. Conclusion: Despite variations in awareness, sexual minorities demonstrated insufficient knowledge regarding HPV-related cancers. Comprehensive education initiatives are warranted to ensure equitable access to information, addressing disparities across populations. Efforts should leverage existing community strengths to enhance HPV prevention and education strategies, fostering inclusivity and effectiveness.
A Pilot Evaluation of a Virtual 21-Day Whole-Food Plant-Based Dietary Intervention In New York City ResidentsBackground: Chronic diseases have a substantial impact on global health. Plant-based diets, which are abundant in fiber and antioxidants, consistently demonstrate advantages in mitigating cardiovascular risks, controlling diabetes, decreasing cancer rates, and facilitating healthy weight maintenance. Methods: This study evaluated the feasibility, acceptability, and initial efficacy of a 21-day virtual whole-food plant-based (WFPB) dietary intervention, implemented by the non-profit organization Plant Powered Metro New York, among 139 participants. The intervention consisted of weekly educational and mentorship sessions. A mixed-methods study design was used to evaluate the program. Feasibility was assessed based on program attendance. Acceptability was assessed based on self-reported program satisfaction on survey and key informant focus group responses. Pre- and post-program surveys measured changes in perceptions and knowledge of WFPB nutrition, self-efficacy in cooking, adherence to the diet, health-related quality-of-life metrics, and mental health (Patient Health Questionnaire-9 and Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7). Changes in anthropometric measures, including BMI, waist circumference, HbA1c, LDL, total cholesterol, and blood pressure, were measured in a subsample of participants. Pre- to post-program changes were assessed using Wilcoxon signed- rank, McNemar, or McNemar-Bowkers tests. Inductive content analysis was used to assess qualitative data obtained from the focus group participants. Results: Participants attended an average of 73% of the educational sessions, and 89.9% of participants found the program to be satisfactory, describing the experience as “Excellent” or “Good.” Statistically significant improvements were found in self-reported WFPB nutrition knowledge and perceptions regarding challenge, cost, and the ability to adopt and cook a WFPB diet. Participants from the focus group identified program benefits, such as education and improved health, and challenges, such as scheduling issues and misconceptions about WFPB diets. Recommendations include addressing cost misconceptions and providing culturally relevant recipes to enhance program acceptance. There were also statistically significant self- reported improvements in health-related QoL metrics, including pain (other than headaches), headaches, mobility, breathing, skin, gastrointestinal symptoms, hormonal symptoms, sleep, energy, moodiness, mental clarity, and cravings for unhealthy food. There were median decreases of 2.85 points on the PHQ-9 and 1.82 points on the GAD-7, 1.16 kg/m2 in BMI, and 1.65 inches in waist circumference (all p=<0.0001). No significant changes were observed in HbA1c, LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol, or blood pressure levels. Conclusion: The 21-day program was associated with improvements in participants' perceptions of knowledge and self-efficacy regarding WFPB nutrition, self-reported quality-of-life, mental health, and anthropometric measures, including BMI and waist circumference. Future research is needed to assess the long-term results of the program, and to assess the program in patient populations with specific chronic diseases.
Trends in Exposure to Polyfluoroalkyl Substances and Association with Metabolic SyndromeThe per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a unique group of synthetic compounds found in myriad commercial applications, including non-stick cook ware, food packaging and firefighting foam. The primary pathway for PFAS exposure in humans is via diet, with fish being the primary dietary source. Laboratory and epidemiologic studies have shown positive associations between human PFAS exposure and several metabolic disturbances. Using data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) from 2003-2018, we: 1) conducted a trend analysis to assess mean PFAS concentration, and 2) examined associations between seafood consumption, serum PFAS levels, and metabolic syndrome. The data show a decline in serum PFAS concentrations by 8%, 14%, 11%, 11% and 20% for PFHxS, PFNA, PFDA, PFUnA and MePFOSA, respectively, per survey cycle. Significant associations between increased fish consumption and serum PFAS levels were also observed. Greater consumption of scallops was associated with 15%, 18% and 5% higher serum concentrations of PFNA, PFDA and PFUnA, respectively. For PFDA, increased consumption of cod and salmon were associated with 37% and 16% higher serum PFAS levels, respectively. For PFUnA, higher tuna consumption was associated with an 18% increase, a 64% increase for cod, a 70% increase for flatfish, and a 20% increase for salmon respectively. Increasing serum levels of PFDA and PFUnA were associated with 30% (PR= 0.70, 95% CI (0.54, 0.91), and 51% (PR= 0.49, 95% CI (0.29, 0.81) decreased prevalence of metabolic syndrome, respectively. Despite decreasing serum PFAS levels, significant differences in PFAS concentrations by non-modifiable factors such as race/ethnicity and gender persist. Further exploration of exposure pathways is required to determine risk profiles of PFAS exposure by demographic group for population-based risk reduction.