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Agneta, NicholasKeyword
Computer ScienceSoftware
Research Subject Categories::TECHNOLOGY::Information technology
Space scheduling
Date Published
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One EPIC Place is a coworking space rental service located in New Paltz, New York. The co-founders Julie Robbins and Nicole Langlois rent out space in several different buildings to provide offices for individuals, groups, and classes to work, often alongside each other. They also provide classes about business management among other things to their members. They currently have their own website which houses information about their business at “oneepicplace.com,” but use a service called “YaRooms” for the actual reservations and bookings of the rooms. They use YaRooms because it has a point system, which they use as an exchange rate for membership fees and booking fees, as well as five-minute increments for the actual room bookings. Both of those features are useful to One EPIC Place. Although YaRooms does have many nice features that they can use, YaRooms does not currently have many of the customizable features that they want such guest booking or the ability to run reports. The system created uses web-based programming technologies connected to a database. The processing for the software includes user registration, user login, logout, a profile page, a log of booked rooms, and the scheduler for booking rooms. The registration uses user information from the forms including, the users’ full name, email, password, occupation, and a description of their business which is then processed into the database. Login retrieves that data from the database and matches it against user input to create a session and log them in to the website. The session houses temporary data such as the user information for the website to use. The profile page retrieves information created by the user during registration that is held in the database and displays it for the user to see. The scheduler allows the user to book a room using a variety of form entries, all the information entered is stored in the database. The log of booked rooms retrieves that data to show the users which rooms have already been booked. The user will then have the option to logout destroying the session and returning the user to the home page.Accessibility Statement
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