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Leonardi, GreysonReaders/Advisors
Keteku, GeorgeTerm and Year
Fall 2018Date Published
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Fear used as a key by politicians to send a country off to war has been a key element overlooked for centuries. Fear and unresolved issues often lead to conflict that have been bottled up and are extremely dangerous and costly. Fear is a predisposed trait that the politicians use to manipulate the people into fearing not only for their lives but for their families. A scapegoat was first used to justify the loss of a war until fear would make it so the people were unable to turn back. It is toxic emotion that caused the death of millions. People still question whether President George W. Bush was a great leader who helped bring America together while an act of war was placed on our soil on 9/11 or if he was the leader who started one of the longest wars in history. Which set a country into spiral of hatred for a religion which was used as propaganda to influence the people to go to war. I by no means compare President Bush to the Mass Murder Adolf Hitler. It was to explore the social view on leaders both pre and post war, as they pulled their citizens into a war that was unknown to them. Every war cost a country, not just financially but cost the trust of the citizens as well. Trust can be lost in a war where countless lives were lost just to prove a point.Accessibility Statement
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