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Small, TonyaReaders/Advisors
Borda, OwenTerm and Year
Fall 2018Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
This paper will address the need for diversity and inclusion in the workplace. It has been a rolling topic in the media, and Fortune 500 company CEOs have taken initiatives to make their organizations more diverse and inclusive. However, why should we care? The number of those who had jobs or were seeking employment, in October 2018 amounted to 162.72 million (Monthly civilian labor force in the United States from October 2017 to October 2018 (in millions, not seasonally adjusted), 2018). The US Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that over the decade of 2016 -2026, the U.S. labor force is expected to expand, due to nearly 39 million workers who will enter the labor force. THe will bring about a change in the dynamics of the labor force. There will be many individuals who will vary in age, races ethnic, cultural, and gender backgrounds. With this influx of new people working together also comes a responsibility of the companies, they will be employed by to offer equal opportunity for them. It will require that companies address implicit bias, gender discrimination, and structural racism policies and practices held within the organization.Accessibility Statement
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