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Ober, VictoriaReaders/Advisors
Hantgan, AlysaTerm and Year
Fall 2018Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
The Cosmetic industry is filled with a lot of insecurities yet provides a lot of confidence. Women all over the word turn to makeup to provide a sense of security and to make them feel beautiful. Makeup is a useful tool for women suffering from anxiety and depression; it could help boost their confidence and self-esteem. Makeup gives women the chance to express themselves in a way words cannot. People tend to misconstrue the fact that women wear makeup to impress others when in the reality of things, it’s for themselves. When women put on makeup, it helps them feel more confident and less afraid to conquer the world. Very often the cosmetic industry is viewed in a derogatory way. Many people view the industry as promoting women to look and achieve the unachievable. The cosmetic industry does not promote evil or self-hate but rather tries to help women feel like the best version of themselves.Accessibility Statement
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