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IWATA, RyderReaders/Advisors
Laguardia, GariTerm and Year
Spring 2020Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
A fragmented and abstract retrospection of how literature haunts me and eventually leads me from a state of confusion and waste to finding purpose and meaning through the unexpected medium of fashion. What could be a memoir, becomes a collage of memory, media, poetry, and prose. Designed into the format of a fragmented hero's journey, I seek to understand myself and to find purpose and meaning in life through various literary texts and poems, with heavy stress on the Bible and T.S. Eliot's, The Wasteland. Confronted with my past, my passions, family, God, and religion, I have to battle with my perceptions and reality in order to reach atonement and become a true poet on my own right. Through an obsession with art, prophecy, myth, and fragmented poetry, bit by bit I piece together a sword to pierce the veil that keeps me captive in my own private wasteland and shrouds the truth that sets one free.Accessibility Statement
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