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Hohl, AndrewReaders/Advisors
Singer, BrookeTerm and Year
Spring 2020Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
Photography is an ever-growing field these days since practically everyone in the world has access to a camera via their smartphone, which results in millions of photographs being taken every minute by millions of people. To be unique you should find your way in this vast field. The way I explore photography is by fusing it with my interest in sports. Sports have dominated American society since the turn of the 20th century. Americans are for some reason drawn into sports so much that they will miss work, school, and even plan their life around sports. What I am interested in figuring out through my work as a sports photographer is what makes sports so addictive for people? The “what?” that I am searching for is the raw emotion expressed in sports by both participants and fans. I try to capture the “what?” in every single image I take. What I want the reader to walk away from this paper and project with is an understanding of the relationship between sports photography and emotion, and also a new respect for the work of sports photographers.Accessibility Statement
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