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Fennell, VictoriaReaders/Advisors
Surowicz, SimonTerm and Year
Spring 2020Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
The cost of College tuition has been steadily rising since the mid-1980s. Each new generation of students has become increasingly burdened by debt, with one-out-of-three students taking out loans. Looking to pay for a college education, many prospective students turn to The United States Military for tuition assistance, some right out of high school. While joining the military for educational benefits can help students looking for ways to pay for college, I wanted to understand what challenges they faced during their service and transition to student life. My project explores these issues through the personal stories of 4 student veterans in search of a college education. https://medium.com/@tori_39756/the-cost-of-college-tuition-has-been-steadily-rising-since-the-mid-1980s-4130f1e26c57Accessibility Statement
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