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PASKO, ShaneReaders/Advisors
Kosut, MarinTerm and Year
Spring 2020Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
The utilization of the internet to share nude images is very widespread. While this phenomenon has been looked at in previous literature as a tool for flirtation and an extension of exhibition into the online world, there has yet to be information on how it is affecting more critical populations. The lack of information on, and under-representation of transgender peoples and their bodies posits a need for further studies. This study aims to look at transmen who share their nude bodies online in nude-sharing, trans-communities. Through a content analysis of posts, comments and usernames within this online space, I argue that sharing nude images is a beneficial and therapeutic method for transmen to gain more body confidence and to explore their sexualities. A discussion of pornotherapy and its benefits ensues as a result of this study.Accessibility Statement
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