A Letter About Memory - short film "Memory and the Collection of Sentimental Objects" - research paper
dc.contributor.author | OSTRANDER, Bethany | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2023-10-31T19:26:05Z | |
dc.date.available | 2023-10-31T19:26:05Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2020 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12648/13338 | |
dc.description.abstract | A Letter About Memory - a short film by Bethany J. Ostrander (https://youtu.be/A-RQoo2Fvrk) "Through the lens of a nostalgic letter being shared with the viewer, this poetic scrapbook memoir explores the joyful, mind-boggling and sometimes heart-breaking process of unearthing childhood artifacts, and being enveloped by forgotten memories and a sense of lost time. This deeply personal, yet whimsical and crafty narrative incorporates stop-motion photography, miniature sets, fairytale-inspired skits, elaborate handmade title cards, and voiceover narration." "Memory and the Collection of Sentimental Objects" - research paper by Bethany J. Ostrander "This research paper explores the relationship between memories and the collection of sentimental objects and takes a poignant look at emotional attachment to possessions. It endeavors to identify how mnemonic objects trigger the neurological recollection process, why certain objects gain sentimentality above others, and how excessive possessions impact future memory storage." | |
dc.subject | First Reader Megan Rossman | |
dc.subject | Capstone Paper | |
dc.subject | Semester Spring 2020 | |
dc.title | A Letter About Memory - short film "Memory and the Collection of Sentimental Objects" - research paper | |
dc.type | Capstone Paper | |
refterms.dateFOA | 2023-10-31T19:26:05Z | |
dc.description.institution | Purchase College SUNY | |
dc.description.department | Liberal Studies | |
dc.description.degreelevel | Bachelor of Fine Arts | |
dc.description.advisor | Rossman, Megan | |
dc.date.semester | Spring 2020 | |
dc.accessibility.statement | Purchase College - State University of New York (PC) is committed to ensuring that people with disabilities have an opportunity equal to that of their nondisabled peers to participate in the College's programs, benefits, and services, including those delivered through electronic and information technology. If you encounter an access barrier with a specific item and have a remediation request, please contact lib.ir@purchase.edu. |