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LOMANGINO, StevenReaders/Advisors
Thayer, Paul T.Term and Year
Spring 2020Date Published
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Description: My project, titled “Representation of a Jazz Drum Solo” seeks to connect both the musical world and the sound art world together to create a visual/audio installation. I aim to explore ways in which the drums can inspire visual art, as well as the connections between the two. Utilizing drums rigged with transducers to play-back audio and real-time audio/visual Processing, “Representation of Jazz Drum Solo” will provide viewers with an experience that will leave them thinking about sound and rhythm in a colorful, visual manner. Abstract: The project will provide a direct translation of music into visual art, with the use of computer processing. When beginning to develop this project, I knew I wanted to develop a way to represent sound in an interesting way. During my research, I was drawn to the connections made in Piet Mondrian’s “Broadway Boogie Woogie”, who painted representations of the Jazz scene and the flow and rhythm of the city. This led me to create a real-time Processing sketch influenced by the painting, which is interpreted and created through sound and installedAccessibility Statement
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