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Robertson, KassandraReaders/Advisors
Bankerd, Carol L.Term and Year
Spring 2020Date Published
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Many people may say that their mother is hugely important to them, or the one that they love the most, more than anyone. I’d agree to that myself— my mom, Keri, was cherished by everyone around her, in the time she was with us and after. But that’s not all it is in my case. She also had the talent of being an artist, and as a child, I was exposed to her work and process often. It wasn’t the only thing she dedicated her time to but I was heavily drawn to it from a very young age, being enthusiastic when having the chance to show her my own work, to show that maybe I could be just like her. Making and having an interest in art is something that would carry on with me ever since, and I believe that it’s because of her influence that I went on to decide to pursue art and make a career out of it. At some points in time, there is even evidence of my artwork having similar techniques that she displayed in her own.Accessibility Statement
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