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Courtney, IndiaKeyword
Research Subject Categories::HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::History subjects::HistorySports history
Dominican Republic
United States
Latin America
New York Knickerbockers
Esteban Bellán
Habana baseball club
War of 1898
National identity
Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
Baseball is recognized as an “All-American sport” specific to the United States, but in reality it's a transnational game that is imbedded into the cultures of several nations all over the world. It was used as a vehicle for Latinos in Cuba and the Dominican Republic to express nationalism and challenge their oppressors. It provided social mobility to the poor and middle class, broke down class barriers, established local attachments to the community, and fostered newfound nationalism in both countries that made baseball more than just a game. Although Latinos originally found the sport in the United States, they recreated it for themselves at home.Accessibility Statement
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