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Swidzinski, ClaudiaReaders/Advisors
Dickstein, Rachel A.Term and Year
Spring 2020Date Published
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I directed A Number written by Caryl Churchill. This play tells the story of a broken down father who is working to amend past mistakes with his three sons, two of whom are clones of the first. Written in 2002, the play is a cautionary tale, set in a world not too far from our own, where new potentially positive capabilities can result in terrifying results. I worked in collaboration with two very talented seniors; Perry Pollard, who played the roles of Bernard 1, Bernard 2, and Michael Black, as well as Ian Remmers, who played the role of Salter. Expanding on themes of the play, I researched and analyzed the science of cloning, how we use it today, and where it could bring our society in the future.Accessibility Statement
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