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Black Women-BeautyChildhood Family Violence
SUNY Brockport--Honors College
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Scholar’s Day at SUNY Brockport returned to its pre-pandemic format of presentations and posters in 2022. This combined 2022-23 issue of The Spectrum includes a sampling of papers from both April 2022 and 2023 Scholars Day events. The sessions showcased a range of scholarly and creative activities in numerous disciplines, subjects, and specific topic areas. They provide evidence of an active intellectual spirit, inquiring curiosity, and academic ethos as the campus worked to return from Covid. Scholars Day 2022 and 2023 were marked by overall themes related to resilience, empathy, and sustainability. Special thanks to the Scholars Day Committee chaired by the Office of Scholarship, Research, and Sponsored Programs (Laura Merkl, Matt Kotula, Meghan Irving, and Kim Remley), keynote speaker Dr. Marcie Desrochers, poster judges, students, and faculty who helped to make Scholars Day a success. Brockport’s hosted journals like The Spectrum have a new look emphasizing individual author contributions that make articles more discoverable at the individual item level and include improved metadata without the appearance of a traditional journal. The change represents an opportunity to consider new forms of scholarly communication and dissemination. We hope that you find it engaging and welcome your feedback.Accessibility Statement
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