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Peña, AlondraKeyword
Student researchReaders/Advisors
Jensen, JenniferDate Published
Show full item recordAbstract
The SUNY Open Access Repository (SOAR) is an online digital repository that makes scholarly works of SUNY campuses widely available. This is an available resource for both faculty and students that should be more used and known about throughout our community. I have worked with our campus’ head of scholarly communications, in the backend of the SOAR website uploading these documents and making the website more readily accessible to our community. After working closely with SOAR while also attending SUNY Oneonta, I have realized how little students know about it along with how rarely faculty members and professors advertise SOAR as a resource for not only getting reliable information but also promoting their scholarly works. My goal for this research is to spread awareness of the benefits of SOAR and Open Access as a whole, along with what qualifications your work must meet in order to be eligible for submission into the repository. Furthermore, I wish to share my knowledge of open access scholarly works and the pros and cons that come with them.Accessibility Statement
Electronic Accessibility Statement: SUNY Oneonta is committed to providing equal access to college information by ensuring our digital content is accessible by everyone regardless of physical, sensory, or cognitive ability. This item has been checked by Adobe Acrobat Accessibility Check and remediated with the following result: [Remediation: title, headings, reading and tag order // Hazards: alt text]. To request further accessibility remediation on this SOAR repository item for your specific needs, please contact openaccess@oneonta.edu.