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Corey, Emily ElizabethKeyword
English Language LearnersL1,
Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills
Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency
Altalouli, MahmoudDate Published
Show full item recordAbstract
English Language Learners (ELLs) in United States Public Schools face barriers that limit their ability to have the same educational and social opportunities as their peers. According to research, lack of teacher preparedness appears to be the biggest cause of the lack of social and educational opportunities for ELLs. Teachers are often underprepared when it comes to assessment, instruction, how to access materials, and the social-emotional needs of ELLs.Teachers can become more knowledgeable about these topics through professional development opportunities. To solve the problem of lacking educational and social opportunities for ELLs, a professional development opportunity is proposed for any public school where staff need more knowledge about ELLs. The goal of the professional development is to allow school faculty to challenge their own previous beliefs regarding ELLs, and to give school staff the knowledge and resources to give ELLs a school experience that supports them both academically and emotionally. Ideas for future research and improvement include implementing the professional development yearly and including new information each year, giving a refresher on the professional development materials to staff who need it, and researching more ways to support ELLs and their teachers through behavioral challenges.Accessibility Statement
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