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Rizzo, Andrew J.Readers/Advisors
Kosut, MarinTerm and Year
Spring 2021Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
In this study, my goal is to examine presentations of masculinity associated with heteronormativity within the gay hookup app Grindr. While this material has been looked upon in previous literature, I want to further these studies with more data. The main results suggest that Grindr is a modern form of sociability because it provides distance from spaces that segregate queer individuals. However, it allows for sexual encounters with overwhelming amounts of heteronormative ideals. These ideals create the "perfect" aesthetic which is masculine, white, and fit bodies. Those who cannot conform to these standards are resigned to a secondary role. Through a content analysis of photos, descriptions, and usernames in this online space, I argue that spaces such as Grindr exacerbate the marginalization of those who already experience prejudice rooted in their identities.Accessibility Statement
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