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Mazzarisi, Mark C.Readers/Advisors
Bowen, NancyTerm and Year
Spring 2021Date Published
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The wetlands of the distant planet Palude, encompass almost sixty percent of the planet's environment and host most of the planet's wildlife in the Ecosystems. The excessive amount of rivers flood these lands, spawning ponds and shallow bodies of water, as vegetation fills the estate like trees, moss, and duckweeds. Including fictional vegetation with more fascinating attributes like Nuotatore, a long kelp orange seaweed that has toxic effects. The purpose of these swamps is to absorb excess waters that prevent flooding and to clean wastes; purifying water naturally similar to the Swamps on earth. They're typically depicted as hostile perilous locations to many people particularly within the world of fiction. Despite the great value swamps provide to the real world, movies, video games, literature, and the folklore of old, swamps are often regarded as cursed, haunted locations full of monsters, portrayed as godforsaken places that no person enters willingly only by necessity. The concept drove my work to continue the suspenseful superstitions of these types of bogs, a fictional world lurking with monsters and some semblance of a story.Accessibility Statement
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