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Plegnon, Charlene G.Readers/Advisors
Ingraham, ChrysTerm and Year
Fall 2020Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
This paper is about exploring the different types of involvement of parents in high school teens' educational lives. Teens do not fail or succeed by themselves there is a reason certain teens are struggling or made it out of school. Parents do play a major role in teens' lives such as being role models by providing financial support, emotional support, and guiding teens onto the right path in their daily lives. However, when those needs are not met teens may be going through an extremely tough time making it out of school or becoming successful in their lives. Using this approach, I viewed five experts, five students, and three parents. Each video averaged about ten minutes and they were drawn from the period from 2010-2020. The videos were then sorted into the categories laid out in the literature review: Involved and working parents, Not involved and working parents, Involved and not working parents, Not involved and not working parents, Involved and single working and not working parents, Not involved and single working and not working parents.Accessibility Statement
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