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Azcona, Grace C.Readers/Advisors
Astor del Valle, Janis A.Term and Year
Spring 2021Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
This paper will investigate the lack of robust arts education programs in the public schools of the Washington Heights neighborhood, along with the scarcity of arts organizations in the area. Purposes: With this project, I hope to create a meaningful impact on others in the Washington Heights neighborhood. I desire to use my paper to shine a light on the lack of arts education and organizations in a culturally rich area, as well as an incentive and reflection for an after-school arts program I plan to create. Practically, I desire to use my senior project as a supplemental piece to my career resume. This project is useful to me because I aspire to go into the arts management/music education development field. Theoretically, I will gain knowledge and experience through my research, as research is a crucial and constant element in the arts management field. My topic is significant because the arts are an indispensable component to have in society; in comparison to wealthier areas of New York City, the arts are not as accessible in Washington Heights and other low-income neighborhoods.Accessibility Statement
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