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Ouammou, MalakReaders/Advisors
Laguardia, GariTerm and Year
Spring 2023Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
Morocco is a kingdom known for its rich history, diverse culture, colorful cuisine, and hospitable people. This multimedia project explores the author’s heritage and personal connections to this country, as well as their experiences there from June 2022 to August 2022. Contents include a preface detailing the project’s inspiration, inception, and process, along with an introduction elaborating on the connections that eventually formed this work. Emphasis is placed on a series of assorted color photographs taken throughout the duration of the author’s stay and multiple accompanying anecdotal accounts written in prose. The aim of this work is to engage, entertain, and serve as a creative and informal introduction to a different country through the real and artificial eyes of the author and the camera respectively. Entries and photos are chronological and follow the trajectory of the author’s journey as it occurred.Accessibility Statement
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