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Quito, Patricio G.Readers/Advisors
Ricciardi, Laura R.Term and Year
Spring 2023Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
Mainstream artists such as Drake, Beyonce, or even Kanye West did not get rich or instantly famous overnight. Becoming an artist takes dedication and struggle to get the results that every artist wants. Marketing plays an integral role in the success of an artist’s career, as well as being able to find a target audience and knowing the audience’s demographics. Connecting with and understanding fans is key to an artist's successful career. Social media can be a very useful tool for any artist wanting to promote and share their music to the world. This paper explores marketing strategies for music artists, with a focus on social media, such as TikTok and Instagram. Interviews of artists like Rah Swish and OnpointLikeOp are also conducted to deepen knowledge and provide insight on life as an artist.Accessibility Statement
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