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Nieves, Taylor S.Readers/Advisors
Bassuk, DavidTerm and Year
Spring 2023Date Published
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Alexandria was a student production performed at Purchase College during the Fall 2022 semester. Written and directed by Taylor Nieves. It tells the story of a king gone mad by his traumatic past. The Artistic Aims paper describes the goals set out to accomplish as well as the impact set for the student body to benefit from. The Research paper goes into depth about Taylor's personal relationship with his brother who suffers from schizophrenia. As well as the power themes present in Macbeth by Willam Shakespeare and in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. Taylor draws contrasts between the two stories as well as relating his personal power fantasies to real life. Finally the Reflection paper sums up Taylor's experience putting up the production of Alexandria. Included is the original script of the play that was used.Accessibility Statement
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