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Thompson, Jelani G.Readers/Advisors
Moore, Lisa JeanTerm and Year
Spring 2023Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
This qualitative study examines the relationship between COVID-19, social determinants of health, and health disparities and how these elements affect the care Black Women experience on a daily basis. The study will primarily focus on Black women; even though I acknowledge Black men have higher mortality rates. However, a Black Women's pain is always disregarded and consistently fails to be appropriately addressed. My contribution includes personal experiences, 8 in-depth interviews with patients and caregivers, how COVID-19 has impacted them, and the best strategies to receive and provide the best care for Black women. And this study also examines the historical and current racial attitudes in the wider society that have shaped or influenced the disinformation, misinformation, diagnosis, or the lack thereof, and the lack of quality of treatment and care for Black women.Accessibility Statement
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