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Bochner, Amy M.Readers/Advisors
Lewis, CatherineTerm and Year
Spring 2023Date Published
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Jane Cardinal's older sister, Zoe, ran away from home in 1998, leaving only a note in perfect calligraphy saying, "I'll be back. Don't look for me," with no indication of where she was going or why. Two years later, 16-year-old Jane is still waiting for answers-- about her sister and about why her parents sent Jane away to Westbrooke Prep, a boarding school where she struggles to belong. Jane's primary means of escapism is through her CD Walkman, on which she plays the music she and her sister loved to listen to together. After an unexplainable event occurs on a school trip at an ice rink, Jane and her best friend Will Fei are left wondering what happened. That is until Jane finds a stack of letters signed by a mysterious person named Vesper hidden in her sister’s belongings, hinting at answers for what happened at the rink, and what happened to Zoe.Accessibility Statement
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