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Creegan, Ceara R.Readers/Advisors
Karlberg, KristenTerm and Year
Spring 2023Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
My research surrounds alternative education and its effects on creativity and engagement. I aim to explore how curriculum, environment, and teachers contribute to an individual's creative abilities as well as their engagement. I explore both traditional and alternative methods of education and how the different school systems have an effect on engagement and creativity. Alternative curriculum is an important area of education as it offers every individual an opportunity to reach their full potential. I will specifically explore how alternative curricula promote creativity and school engagement amongst students while analyzing and comparing it to public school curricula. I implement this study because I believe alternative education is an important part of the education system. By furthering the aspects which promote creativity and engagement, this research can be beneficial to all educators. I argue that alternative curriculum has a larger effect on these factors than traditional curriculum. I will be drawing on my personal experience while relying on past research and analyzing the theory of behavior.Accessibility Statement
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