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Eriole, Elizabeth L.Readers/Advisors
Resnick, Adam J.Term and Year
Spring 2021Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
Mainstream pornography found on pornhub is unknowingly keeping track of the cultural transition into transhumanism. These shifts can and have been seen elsewhere, for example in the proliferation of information on the internet and representations of cyborgs in science fiction. However, this pornography specifically happens to encapsulate every aspect of our increasingly complex transhumanist existence. It makes cyborgs of its viewers and its participants through perspective & involvement of technological objects, while simultaneously gathering informatics of sexuality that spans from the most palatable to the most niche in one accessible virtual location. This project will explicate the ways in which pornhub can provide an especially interesting look at Western culture's gradual yet accelerating shift deeper into transhumanism.Accessibility Statement
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