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Scarpa, Allie M.Readers/Advisors
Ricciardi, Laura R.Term and Year
Fall 2021Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought into focus the importance of keeping the live music industry safe. COVID-19 has highlighted the necessity of taking precautions to maintain safety and to keep the industry from another shutdown like this in the future. Nothing this major like COVID-19 has caused a complete shutdown before, so the industry is slowly learning how to build itself back up fully. This paper discusses the lessons and recommendations that the live music industry must take away from this pandemic. It examines how festivals are taking measures to maintain safety, as well as ongoing examples in which they are not. Alternative options for live concerts will be touched upon, as well as artist encouragement and accountability of artists for the safety of their fans. Through many examples presented in this paper, recommendations will be introduced about how to keep the fans, artists, and crews safe, while ensuring that the live music industry is alive and thriving.Accessibility Statement
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