An Analysis of Urban Metrics Utilizing Scale-Adjusted Metropolitan Indicators
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Parker, Daniel J.Readers/Advisors
Kraemer, George P.Term and Year
Spring 2021Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
Abstract Growth in urban areas is described not only as increase in overall population, but also how the needs of that population are met through increases in infrastructure and physical resources. To observe these patterns, an analysis of scale is used to identify trends from data. This project uses previously established methods to evaluate and demonstrate these trends, based on recent, publicly available data sets. The main focal point is a cross comparison of population with several other metrics, including education level and urban commute times. This project displays the correlation between those metrics and discusses the causal societal factors as well as their associated wide-range effects. The main conclusions of this study are that there is statistical significance of the data sets and that the observed trend of SAMI values can be used as an indicator of scaled urban growth.Accessibility Statement
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