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Morris, Taina E.Readers/Advisors
Heinrich, UrsulaTerm and Year
Summer 2021Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
Abstract Background: Consuming media is everyone's favorite pastime. Whether it is television or movies, Black women are constantly made to be the worst character. Objective: The purpose of this study is to examine the common stereotypes Black women depict in the media and to examine Black trauma porn in the media. Design and Method: The research is derived from scholarly articles on the topic. The articles include common stereotypes seen in Black women in the media. Other articles were found about Trauma Porn. These were found in pop culture blogs. In Phase 2, the research is gathered from a questionnaire sent out to my peers. These questions were to be answered anonymously and based on three television shows, Insecure (2015), Julia (1968), and Generation (2021). The research questions are; In what ways are Black women portrayed in the media? In what ways are Black women affected negatively by the portrayals in the media? Is there a correlation between Black women screenwriters and directors and White women screenwriters and directors and how Black lives are depicted? Results: The stereotypes we see Black women play are not new. They have not evolved since Black women were allowed to be on television. However, these stereotypes are shaping the way Black women are treated. Conclusions: Black women are getting the short end of the stick when it comes to media. Black women are not being depicted in the best light. Black women need to be allowed the opportunity to tell their stories. There needs to be more diversity not just in front of the camera but also behind the scenes. Keywords: Black women in the media, portrayal of Black women in the media. Issa Rae, Julia, Diahann Carroll, Black Lives Matter media, Trauma porn, Angry Black women in the media, Sassy Black friend, Jezebel in the media, Black screenwriters, Black television, Black actors.Accessibility Statement
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