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Piñeiro Mercado, Yaritza L.Readers/Advisors
Rajendran, PadmaTerm and Year
Spring 2021Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
Morir Soñando: an Exploration of Dominican Identity focuses on researching Dominican history & beauty culture as a means to understand the complexity of my identity. This research and analysis is implemented in my art processes by allowing for celebration of my culture while simultaneously analyzing and critiquing certain aspects that never sat quite well with me. In my painting, I challenge gender norms, beauty culture, colorism, and the divide between Haiti and the Dominican Republic due to the effects of colonialism. My work honors marginalized people in Dominican culture. These are lives that are deemed as unimportant yet are crucial to the progression of our livelihood. People of African descent have contributed to Dominican culture and they have played a major role in the foundation & financial stability of the country. The lack of knowledge and critical thinking around these issues drives my senior project and begins progressive conversations. Vernacular photography and national and familial histories are two key elements that inform my work by commenting on day-to-day routines & oppression as a result of the lack of acceptance colonialism imposed around certain identities and cultures. It is important for me as an artist to accurately portray black bodies that take up space in a place that they are not usually advocated for, represented, and prioritized.Accessibility Statement
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