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Knox, AllisonReaders/Advisors
Tusman, LeeTerm and Year
Spring 2021Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
This research considers how philosophies of education apply to educational video game (EVG) design. As educational environments have drastically shifted into virtual spaces during the COVID-19 pandemic, effective virtual educational tools are essential to the learning environment. In pursuit of learning by doing, I design an educational video game in light of the principles of game design explored in my research. In this game, the user is presented with conic sections graphed on a Cartesian plane, such that the user is expected to construct each conic sections' corresponding equations based on its graphical representations. The graphical representations of the conic sections are designed such that they appear as a cohesive image. Thus, the objective of the game is such that the user learns the mathematical relationship between graphical representations of conic sections and their equations. As we navigate the process of designing an EVG, we critique its efficacy in light of the design principles and educational ideologies.Accessibility Statement
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