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Hill, MiylsReaders/Advisors
Lichtman, DanielTerm and Year
Spring 2022Date Published
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a visually playful and nonlinear story of a young adult reflecting on her experience in the digital. This installation ITWDGWWG? centers her feelings about surveillance capitalism, digital honesty, social media, and the idea of being watched. We are accompanied by an audio landscape that invokes her everyday hustle and bustle and a complicated visual texture to mimic the brazen nature of the digital landscape. This invites the exploration of concepts such as data trauma, a term coined by Olivia Mckayla Ross who states "predictive analysis limits our human potential for growth". Artist BitgurlBleu gives apple scripts new life as she automates her poetry, as seen at the opening and closing of her piece, reinforcing a perpetual and existential cycle while its hypertext nature pays homage to the early formation of digital gardens.Accessibility Statement
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