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Yarnall, Misty A.Readers/Advisors
Stafford, PeggyTerm and Year
Spring 2022Date Published
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My senior project consists of two different bodies of work, reviewed by the faculty of Creative Writing and Playwriting and Screenwriting. The first part includes a novella titled "Green Light". "Green Light" tells the story of Louisa, an individual who lived with Alzheimer's for seven years, before the CDC released an approved cure. Mallory, her primary Companion Care worker, tells Louisa about the cure, prompting snippets of her memory to reappear faster than anticipated. However, Louisa begins to question the accuracy of her returning memories. She trusts Mallory to be honest with her about her troubling realizations, such as her late husband's alcoholism and the absence of her daughter Jocelyn for the past seven years. Mallory helps Louisa navigate this difficult recovery yet faces obstacles of her own when her job and ultimately her relationship with Louisa are put at risk. The two women form a friendship like no other. It isn't until Jocelyn's appears at the residency that Louisa discovers Mallory might not be as altruistic as she originally appeared. The second part consists of a play titled "No Clean Clothes". "No Clean Clothes" tells the story of Luke and Emily, a couple in their late 20s, who have lived together for six years when Katherine, Luke's separated wife, attempts suicide. Luke and Emily gain custody of Johnny, the six-year-old son Luke never told Emily about. After making it very clear that she did not want children, Emily finds herself suddenly assuming the role of mother to this little boy. Emily must come to terms with the truth and decide what role she can play in this unexpected family unit.Accessibility Statement
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