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Shea, James T.Readers/Advisors
Ceulemans, CedricTerm and Year
Spring 2022Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
Social media is an integral part of much of our everyday lives. This has caused brands to put a lot of thought into how they manage their accounts in order to increase engagement from consumers. MLB teams are no different from any other brand in this way that they also have social media accounts, with the goal of increasing engagement and fan loyalty. With that said, many social media account owners use psychological theories/principles in order to increase engagement. In this project we look at three psychological theories: the Uses and Gratification's Theory, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs/Brief Range of Community Scale, and Basking in Reflected Glory; along with correlational analysis of MLB Twitter statistics to see how MLB teams use social media and other on-field metrics to increase consumer engagement.Accessibility Statement
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