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Higgins, Joseph P.Readers/Advisors
Ikeda, SanfordTerm and Year
Spring 2022Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
The research question in this paper is evaluating the value of an NFL Quarterback. The way this will be done is by using quarterback rating (QBR) and PFF grades as two determinants of the QBs marginal productivity of labor for his given team. First the paper seeks to explain the issues present in the NFL and relate them to the overall idea of salary overpayment. In this section I have found that there are general drafting issues and payment issues in the market as a whole that affect teams salary dispersion and use of their salary cap. Next the paper explains the facts surrounding the areas of the NFL such as draft processes and ways of player acquirement. In this section I highlight the errors that NFL teams could avoid during drafting and player acquirement and why there are more full proof ways of doing this. Then the paper breaks down multiple tables and graphs in terms of marginal productivity to highlight the importance of QB salary dispersion in the NFL and the large presence of overpayment. This area I have chosen to focus on QBR and PFF grades as my statistical determinants and have done multiple comparison tables with these stats and players marginal productivity as well as comparisons to their salary over a period of years. Finally, the paper will discuss and conclude the findings that are present and tell the reader why NFL teams need to evaluate QB salaries that are overpaid and underpaid on a better basis. The limitations of the research are then discussed at the end so the reader has an idea of the areas of the study that were hardest to perform and what may be lacking data.Accessibility Statement
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