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Vera Lara, Owen O.Readers/Advisors
Santiago, BenjaminTerm and Year
Spring 2022Date Published
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Design a Future is a non-profit organization that spreads awareness about the percentage of foster kids and orphans in New York, as well as being able to provide help throughout our community. Our mission statement focuses on creating a helpful community that main focus is to share and help others as a family, which is accomplished by expanding our awareness and raising funds for organizations such as JCCA and Rising Ground. Through the outlet of JCCA and Rising Ground, Design a Future tries to broader the voice of people who need to most help. One of the ways that Design a Future raises funds is by selling t-shirts designed by kids and donating all profits to those organizations. In March, Design a Future had an exhibition/fundraiser in which we sold the t-shirts and had various activities to bring families together in our community.Accessibility Statement
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