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Jordan, Cara R.Readers/Advisors
Siegel, PaulTerm and Year
Spring 2022Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
Drama Therapy is a form of therapy that uses theatre techniques to help maintain mental health, or facilitate personal growth and is used in a wide variety of settings, including hospitals, schools, mental health centers, prisons and businesses. The term "drama therapy" was first coined by Stephen F. Austin, who defined drama therapy as "the art of science of healing by means, or through the instrumentality, of the drama/or, by means, or through the instrumentality of dramatic presentation" (Austin, 1917). In this paper, I will present current studies on drama therapy and discuss how it is effective in treating different types of mental illnesses such as anxiety disorders and personality disorders. I will also discuss how we can improve drama therapy studies to learn more about it.Accessibility Statement
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