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Navarro, Emilia C.Readers/Advisors
Smyth, BrendynTerm and Year
Spring 2022Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
This research paper assesses the collision of social media and celebrity life and how these complicated topics have played a major role in forming relationships and communicating with others online. It assesses the role and responsibilities that traditional celebrities have online such as displaying their authentic self and not filtering their images as well as the newfound role of being an influencer on social media platforms. It directly draws a line from the role of celebrities in classic Hollywood in the early 1900s to their current place on social media. By dissecting studies that analyze topics such as the deceptive world of celebrity advertising, the temperamental nature of fame, and fan opinions on celebrity posts, this research paper is able to connect trending topics and concerns such as parasocial relationships and cancel culture with the complicated relationships between fan and celebrity that have resulted purely from social media. It dives into both positive and negative implications of interacting with celebrities on all levels across social media platforms and provides many examples of celebrities that have had their lives directly impacted by social media in a variety of different ways. It shows a direct link between celebrity social media interactions changing the way people interact online.Accessibility Statement
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