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Dawson, Devonte A.Readers/Advisors
Ikeda, SanfordTerm and Year
Spring 2023Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
This paper sums up the economics of hosting a mega sporting event with the help of pre-existing works on the same discussion. I will describe how the dreamt-upon promise of potentially large benefits to hosting cities comes with greater or equal-sized costs. Is it the case that the negatives of hosting a megaevent are outweighed by its impact? To every upside, there's a downside likewise to pros and cons with dealing with such huge events like these. Events such as these mega events take years upon years to plan with their separate committees and government. The effects of this paper should inform and enlighten the reader to think differently about mega-events and make them more aware of the history of the costs of hosting mega-events.Accessibility Statement
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