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DeNigris, Amanda R.Readers/Advisors
Heinrich, UrsulaTerm and Year
Spring 2023Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
Abstract Background: One of the most controversial topics in today's society revolves around abortion. The big question is whether it is constitutional or not. What people don’t seem to look at is what effects, if any, does it have on the women who have to go through it. If so is there anything being done to help? Objective: The study aims to research if abortion has any negative effects on a women's mental health. If it is proven to have negative effects, what research is being done, and what help is being offered to the women going through it? Design and Method: The research method is based on peer-reviewed literature consisting of scholarly articles, journals, and first-hand accounts. The research performed is qualitative and includes literature from 2000 to 2021. Research groups involving people who’ve experienced abortion were studied and the conclusions for those studied are recorded in the results section. The main research questions are: Does abortion have negative effects on mental health? What are the mental health effects abortion has on women? What help is being offered, if any, for people who have gone through abortions? Results: This study concluded that abortion does indeed have negative effects on women's mental health and more help and research are needed for this topic Conclusion: Abortion does prove to be a very controversial topic, and while everyone does deserve to have their own opinion on it, it is unfair to let these problems go unnoticed and untreated: these women require help. By helping them we can tackle a part of the mental health epidemic and get rid of some stigma around it.Accessibility Statement
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