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Abdou, PeterReaders/Advisors
Horowitz, Mara T.Term and Year
Fall 2022Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
Cancel culture has been one of the most important in progressivist feature of a very activist society. Cancel culture not only focuses on this idea of the impact on how individuals understand the responsibilities of the actions that they take but also witnesses for them to gradually focus those responsibilities on virtue signaling, the fear of social repercussion, and more importantly how to become cognitive of the relationships that are founded upon these systems. In today's contemporary environment, understanding much of the literature related to cancel culture is built around this philosophy of becoming functional with both how cancel culture has been established and the potential outliers that may be there. Literature has also become very relaxed in terms of trying to impose a well-meaning approach to realizing what is a valuable construct between acceptable behavior and behavior that compromises a person's ability to think about their ideas of acceptable behavior. It is through this concentration that there are values that become much more affluent in terms of affecting how culture is developed in the premise upon which cancel culture has grown out from. Often times, the hypersensitivity of individuals as well as the belief that what they say and do as a reflection of what they believe to be true is a process that brings people together while at the same time pushes them apart.Accessibility Statement
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