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Jaramillo, SusanaReaders/Advisors
Bankerd, Carol L.Term and Year
Fall 2022Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
A self-designed, written and drawn book revisiting my experience of traveling to Japan for the first time in the fall of 2019. During my middle school years, my friends introduced me to Japanese comic books and animated media. This slowly sparked an interest in learning that language and culture which then made traveling to the country one of my aspirations as a young adult. Finally, in my junior year of college, I had the opportunity to attend Kansai Gaidai University's Asian Studies fall semester program in the city of Osaka. This meant not only taking classes in the Japanese language but living with other international students immersed directly in this brand-new society. In this book, I will recount the stories of the most memorable locations and traditional foods along with historical background and basic information for those interested in also traveling to Japan. My aim is to not only share my growing knowledge and interest in this culture but also inspire you to pursue your own interests and travel the world as much as possible.Accessibility Statement
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